Message from the Director

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs provides support for postdoctoral scholars and faculty with regards to hiring, terms and conditions of employment, career development counseling and any individual issues that arise. UConn Health offers a vibrant, supportive environment for postdocs to continue their research training and move forward with their careers in the life sciences. This website provides information for postdocs and faculty mentors on policies and practices, academic and social events and career development tools and workshops.

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Postdoc Spotlight

Congratulation to Dr. Katarina Milicevi. Dr. Milicevi’s article titled ‘Plateau depolarizations in spontaneously active neurons detected by calcium or voltage imaging” published in Scientific Reports.

Congratulation to Dr. Rogie Royce Carandang who has been named a 2024 Outstanding Author by the Journal of Public Health and Emergency (JPHE). He is recognized for his outstanding contributions to the journal and research focused on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and Gerontology.

Dr. Jessica Flori was awarded the NIH Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (L32) from NIAA.

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Featured Postdoc Alumni

Click on title to learn about the cool things some of our former postdocs are up to these days.