Postdoc Recruitment Tools

Where to Post Postdoc Jobs

Paid Sites

Free Sites

  • You can also tweet your postdoc job opening on X (Twitter) using #ScienceJobs and #postdocjobs
  • Certain specialty journals and societies will often list job ads

Postdoc at UConn Health Flyer

Downloadable one-page info sheet for postdoc recruitment. Click here.

Postdoc Recruitment Committee

If you will be interviewing potential postdoc candidates, it may be helpful to have them meet with some current UConn Health Postdocs. The Postdoc Recruitment Committee is a group of UCH postdocs who have volunteered to take part in on-site or virtual interviews with your applicants.

They can provide a helpful perspective that may encourage your applicant to come to Farmington. While these postdocs won't necessarily be able to answer questions about your lab specifically, they can answer more general questions about being a postdoc at UConn Health, living in the Farmington Valley area, etc…


If this would be of help, please email Dr. Heinen who will then find you one or two postdocs to take part in your recruitment efforts.