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Breast Reduction for Men

If you are uncomfortable or self-conscious about the appearance of your chest, or if you find yourself avoiding certain activities because you are afraid to show your chest, male breast reduction is an option to consider. A male breast reduction is the most effective known treatment for gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. This cosmetic surgery procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest

It is estimated that up to 50% of men in the United States experience some degree of gynecomastia during their lifetime. Gynecomastia can present at any age, and male breast reduction can be performed safely and successfully on teenagers and adult men alike.

Male breast reduction is an effective treatment for gynecomastia that has long lasting, if not permanent, results. Following this surgery, patients commonly say they feel comfortable going shirtless for the first time in years, and report an enhanced sense of self-confidence.

With the help of a qualified cosmetic surgeon, the procedure offers dramatic, near immediate improvements with minimal scarring.