Fees for Other Services

Fee Schedules Are Valid until June 30, 2025

Note: These prices do not include per diem or colony management charges.

Tasks UConn Health Users External Academic Users
Embryo Cryopreservation $58.34 per female plus cost of donors Not available at this time
Rederivation $161.67 hormones/harvesting for rederivation

$415.70 for transfer plus cost of donors

Total cost: $577.37

Not available at this time
IVF: B6 $1,794.09 Not available at this time
Importing Lines by Embryo Transfer $415.70 per recipient Not available at this time
PCR Genotyping (includes DNA extraction) $20.66 per sample for one gene $31.48 per sample for one gene
Cryo Storage $91.16 per line per year $138.92 per line per year
Technician Time $121.55 per hour $185.22 per hour
Colony Management $1.44 per cage per day (per diem included)