Import Mouse Lines by Embryo Transfer

Shipping Mouse Embryos from Other Institutions

When you import mice from other institutions, instead of shipping mice you can ask them to ship mouse embryos in a vial by FedEx. The following is the protocol of shipping embryos for mice providers:

  • Superovulate donors and collect E3.5 blastocycts.
  • Equilibrate ES media without LIF in a CO2 incubator for at least two hours.
  • Fill a cryovial with the ES media (without LIF) to the top to avoid trapping air in the vial.
  • Transfer the embryos to the cryovial and seal the vial with parafilm.
  • Send by FedEx in an envelope with bubble wrap when weather is mild. In winter, warm ice packs in incubator overnight at 37°C. Then put pre-warmed ice packs in a styrofoam container to make a small incubator for embryos.
  • Inform the CMGM when the donors are superovulated, so that we can prepare the embryo recipients.

Please submit a completed Rederivation Request Form.

This includes housing the pups until three weeks old. After pups are weaned we need to do health testing for recipient moms. The cost will be paid by investigators.

If you would like to ship cryopreservated mouse embryos, a dry liquid nitrogen shipper is available at the CMGM. Please contact the CMGM for more information.