UConn Health’s Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery specializes in the innovative treatment of aortic disease, peripheral arterial disease, carotid disease, mesenteric disease, and venous disease in patients of all ages. Our surgeons are highly trained in the diagnosis, management, and surgical and endovascular techniques to treat these conditions, and they work closely with your primary provider as well as our other specialists in vascular medicine, cardiovascular medicine, radiology, physical medicine, and rehabilitation to provide complete care.
Specialized Services Across Connecticut
Our Vascular and Endovascular Surgery offices are conveniently located to serve Hartford, Tolland, and Windham counties. We have a Farmington office located in the state-of-the-art Outpatient Pavilion on our main campus and other offices in Putnam, Simsbury, and Storrs. All locations offer many different specialties, allowing our providers to collaborate across disciplines.

Guide to Surgery
It is important to adhere to certain guidelines when you undergo any surgical procedure. Please review our guide to surgery to learn what to do before and after surgery to assist your medical team in providing a safe and comfortable experience.