Local Community Members JUMPED into a Healthier Lifestyle at The Connecticut Convergence Institute – Aetna Health Café – JUMP Series Kickoff Event on May 29th

  • Health Cafe JUMP event Michelle Slivinsky 2


On May 29th the Connecticut Convergence Institute and the YWCA Hartford launched the first ever Health Café – JUMP series kickoff event. The event had a fun, casual, high-energy atmosphere complete with a DJ, a motivational Zumba class, free giveaways and a buffet style dinner consisting of healthy food from local restaurants. The goal of the event was to enlighten the community about the importance of starting or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and to present it in an upbeat and relatable fashion.  During the first half of the event, Dr. Kevin Lo, Dr. Maria Achong and Dr. Helen Wu discussed the current health crisis (obesity) not only locally, but on a national and global scale as well. Attendees left the event armed with healthy lifestyle information, a sweat provoking workout, free gifts and stomachs full of delicious, healthy food.

Thank you to the Aetna Foundation for sponsoring such a wonderful event!