Corey Acker, Assistant Professor, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling. Ph.D., Boston University. Developing advanced quantitative techniques such as computational modeling, imaging, and electrophysiology to study neuro- and cardiac physiology in new, more direct and powerful ways.
Eran Agmon, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling, Ph. D., Indiana University. Developing computational methods for combining multi-omics datasets and diverse models to create multi-scale simulations to build mechanistic simulations of whole microbiomes, which span molecular to multi-cellular scales.
Michael Blinov, Associate Professor of Genetics and Genome Sciences, Ph.D., Weizmann Institute of Science. Computational Biology: Modeling of signal transcription systems and protein-dna interactions. Bioinformatics: Data mining and visualization. Developing software tools and mathematical methods for rule-based modeling of signal transduction systems.
Abhijit Deb Roy, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Ph.D., UConn Health. investigating molecular signaling pathways and cytoskeletal dynamics involved in mechanobiology and cell migration.
Michael Guertin, Associate Professor of Genetics and Genome Sciences. Ph.D., Cornell University. Using molecular biology, systems biology, and genomics to study transcription regulation. A goal of the group is to identify and characterize transcription factors that are dysregulated in disease states, maintain homeostasis, and promote differentiation.
Shuzhao Li, Associate Professor, Ph.D. University of Southern Mississippi. Metabolomics for precision medicine; ImmunoMetabolomics and multi-omics modeling of immune system.
Leslie M. Loew, Professor of Cell Biology; Professor of Computer Science and Engineering; Ph.D., Cornell, 1974. Morphological determinants of cell physiology; image-based computational models of cellular biology; synapse biophysics; new optical methods for probing living cells.
Bruce J. Mayer, Professor of Genetics and Genome Sciences, Ph.D., Rockefeller University, Mechanisms of signal transduction.
Pedro Mendes, Professor, Center for Quantitative Medicine; Ph.D., University of Wales. Computational systems biology: better understanding biological systems through the use of computer models.
William A. Mohler, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Genetics and Genome Sciences. Developmental cell fusion; C. elegans genetics; multidimensional imaging of developmental and cell biological processes.
Ion Moraru. Professor of Cell Biology. Understanding signal transduction mechanisms, in particular related to calcium and phosphoinositides.
Vladimir Rodionov, Professor of Cell Biology; Ph.D., Moscow State University, 1980. Research in this laboratory is focused on molecular mechanisms of intracellular transport and organization of microtubule cytoskeleton.
Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Building multi-scale models of cells from their molecular interactions to their function in tissue to identify signal transduction mechanisms that contribute to cellular proliferation and migration in vascular and neuronal cells.
Boris Slepchenko, Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Ph.D., Ural State University. Developing and testing numerical algorithms for applications in cell biology, particularly related to the Virtual Cell software project.
Paola Vera-Licona, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Computational Systems Biology of Cancer, reverse-engineering of biological networks, network theory, development and application of algorithms for mathematical modeling and analysis of biological networks, and discovery and development of combinations of targeted therapies.
Yi Wu, Associate Professor of Genetics and Genome Sciences. Developing quantitative imaging tools that are capable of revealing dynamics of cellular signaling at high spatial and temporal resolution (biosensors), or that enable optical control of signaling proteins at precise times and subcellular locations (optogenetics).
Ping Yan, Assistant Professor, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling, Ph.D., Columbia University. Developing membrane potential probes to image neuronal and cardiac activities, using synthetic organiz chemistry, genetic techniques, optical spectroscopy, and microscopy to decode cells’ secrets.
Ji Yu, Associate Professor of Genetics and Genome Sciences, Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin. Optical imaging technology; regulation mechanisms in dendritic RNA translation; cytoskeletal dynamics.
=The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine affiliated faculty