A-SBIRT Training Resources
- The AAP Substance Use Screening and Intervention Implementation Guide offers information about each component of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) as well as the importance of addressing adolescent substance use, including alcohol. This new resource supports AAP recommendations to use a validated screening tool at every visit, offer brief intervention tailored to the screening results, and refer patients to treatment when necessary
- SBIRT in Schools: An Introductory Walkthrough, a short training video from our friends at MASBIRT.
- If you completed our A-SBIRT Training of Trainers, access your A-SBIRT materials for trainers.
- To obtain/maintain your A-SBIRT Trainer Certification, trainers are expected to:
- Present two scheduled trainings of the curriculum to a combined total of at least 10 trainees annually;
- Report regularly to the SBIRT Training Academy the dates of all training events, the number of individuals trained;
- Submit to the SBIRT Training Academy training satisfaction surveys for at least 90% of the total number of trainees, as indicated on attendance rosters; and
- Receive, at a minimum, an overall satisfactory rating by trainees.
Request a Training
The SBIRT Training Academy offers trainings to assist in the delivery and implementation of A-SBIRT. If you are interested in A-SBIRT training, please submit an online request.
Implementation Materials
- Screening to Brief Intervention (S2BI) Questionnaire
- CRAFFT Questionnaire: English
- CRAFFT Questionnaire: Spanish
- Brief Intervention Steps and Dialogue (Including Action Plan)
- CT Regional Resource Guides
Resources to Share with Parents
- CT Connection: Strong Connections, Strong Teens (Booklet): English
- CT Connection: Strong Connections, Strong Teens (Booklet): Spanish
- CT Connection: Strong Connections, Strong Teens (Brochure): English
- CT Connection: Strong Connections, Strong Teens (Brochure): Spanish
- Worried that someone you love may OD? (Brochure): English
- Worried that someone you love may OD? (Brochure): Spanish
- Drug Guide for Parents
- Marijuana Talk Kit