Neurobiology and Acute Treatment Outcome of Late-Life Depression

Are you feeling sad or blue? Are you experiencing a loss of interest in activities or people you once enjoyed?

We are recruiting adults 60 years or older who are experiencing symptoms of depression to investigate the effects of stress on mood, cognition, and response to treatment of depression in older adults.

During this 3-5 year research study, participation will involve:

  • A one-time blood test that will include genetic studies
  • 2 MRI brain scans
  • Annual interviews and memory testing
  • Regular appointments with a geriatric psychiatrist who will offer free treatment with FDA-approved antidepressants*

*If antidepressants provided through the study are not effective for a participant, the psychiatrist can prescribe others that will be filled by the participant’s insurance.

All study-related tests and appointments are provided at no cost to participants.

Most appointments can be done remotely.

Participants may receive payments of $100 after completion of all baseline procedures (screening, baseline interviews/assessments, and MRI), and $100 for each annual visit completed, for a total of $300 to $500 over the course of the study.

Principal Investigator: David Steffens, M.D., Department of Psychiatry

IRB Number: 13-048-6

Enrollment end date: September 1, 2024

For more information and to answer any questions, please contact Judy Anderson, clinical research assistant, at 860-679-7571 or