Hospital Admissions for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions:
Rate per 100,000 by Gender
The information below presents hospital admissions rates per 100,000 for ACSCs by gender for years 2012 through 2018. In general, hospital admissions for overall ACSCs was greater for females than males. The average number of hospital admissions for overall ACSCs from 2012-2018 for females was 1,497, and for males was 1,287.
In the years prior to SIM (2012-2015) the rate of hospital admissions for ACSCs per 100,000 was on a downward trend with the exception of chronic conditions. When examining conditions separately, acute ACSCs showed a downward trend for females and males, while chronic ACSCs continued to increase for both genders. Since the implementation of SIM, the rate of women who were hospitalized for ACSCs decreased by 5.0% from 1,455 in 2016 to 1,383 in 2018. In comparison, men had a 3.6% increase from 1,239 in 2016 to 1,283 in 2018.