Medical/Dental Student Scientific Research Day

The nineteenth annual Medical/Dental Student Scientific Research Day was held Monday, February 23. Oral and poster presentations of summer research projects were highlighted by the students. The fact that our students conduct basic science and clinical research projects help to make our Health Center a “super” academic center, and strengthens our commitment to research as an integral and vital educational component of both schools. I remember how excited I was when I presented my first project and how the experience catalyzed my research interests. As one of my mentors once told me, “To know the literature, you must be the literature.” Congratulations to all the medical and dental students who participated in this rewarding experience.

Medical student Tariq Lescouflair discusses his research findings.
Medical student Tariq Lescouflair discusses his research findings.
Dental student Vina Zinn explains the findings of her study to me.
Dental student Vina Zinn explains the findings of her study to me.