We are pleased to offer a new Health Informatics Short Course on June 26, 2014 which examines informatics and data analytics for clinical and translational research. We are now accepting registrations from unior and senior researchers, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, research assistants and associates, and clinicians who conduct clinical or translational research or who are interested in health informatics. This intensive short course examines the unique characteristics of clinical and life sciences data including the analytic principles, methods and tools for translating health data and information into actionable knowledge for improved health care. The course is presented and cosponsored by the Center for Quantitative Medicine and the CICATS Division of Biomedical Informatics. Learn more at http://cqm.uchc.edu/education/courses/data-analytics-short-course/.
We are excited to announce a biostatistics short course scheduled for late May featuring Miranda Lynch, Ph.D., assistant professor of community medicine and health care with assignments in the Center for Quantitative Medicine and the Biostatistics Center within CICATS. This short course surveys statistical approaches to analyzing time-to-event survival data which is frequently encountered in biomedical studies and clinical trials. Through lectures and hands-on computer exercises, the course will provide researchers with techniques for analyzing and interpreting survival data using survival curves and Kaplan-Meier estimators of survival functions, as well as regression methods (i.e. Cox proportional hazards regression).
It’s About Time: Methods for Analyzing Time-to-Event Survival Data
Wednesday, May 28 at 9 a.m.
UConn Health in Farmington, Connecticut
We are offering an exciting bioinformatics short course lead by Julia Chifman, Ph.D., at Wake Forest University School of Medicine aimed at University, Hospital and Industry based biomedical and translational researchers, educators, and clinician-scientists who are interested in bioinformatics tools and data analysis methodologies specific to gene expression microarrays, e.g., Affymetrix® or Illumina® platforms.
Introduction to Expression Microarray Analysis Using R/Bioconductor
Friday, May 2 at 9 a.m.
Lyman Maynard Stowe Library at UConn Health in Farmington, Connecticut
The Center for Quantitative Medicine is offering an intensive one day short course taught by a multidisciplinary team of physician-educators and informatics leaders that uses a patient case approach to introduce the structure and function of electronic health records (EHR) systems and illustrates these key health informatics.
Concepts discussed during the course include:
An ONC certified complete EHR system will be shown to demonstrate these important topics.
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2014
Time: 10 to 4 p.m.
Location: 195 Farmington Avenue, Suite 210, Farmington, CT
Learn more at http://cqm.uchc.edu/education/courses/ap-of-ehr-systems/.