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Hematopathology is the subspecialty of pathology involved in the diagnosis of hematologic disorders. Tools available to the hematopathologist include conventional microscopy, flow cytometry immunophenotyping and DNA-based molecular genotyping. Integration of this information by the hematopathologist is critical for providing an accurate interpretation and diagnosis.

The rapid advances and changing concepts in diagnosis and therapy of many hematologic malignancies necessitates a close collaboration between the hematologist-oncologist and hematopathologist. The hematopathology service performs examinations on peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes and other tissues under the direction of Dr. Enrique Ballesteros.

The hematopathology service also offers an educational experience for our students, residents and fellows and encourages opportunities for collaborative research. We are excited that the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is now able to offer this subspecialty in order to enhance the care and management of patients at UConn Health.