Transgenic mice by Pronuclear Microinjection

We provide a service to generate transgenic mice by pronuclear microinjection using one-cell embryos from different genetic backgrounds including C57BL/6j, FVB or CD1. We can prepare the transgene construct as an extra service or use construct supplied by the investigator.

What do we need:

  • If you provide us with the transgene construct, please submit the map and sequence information of the transgene construct.
  • You should also digest a minimum of 60ug of the transgene construct, run a sample on an agarose gel and clearly label the transgene fragment in the gel picture.
  • Completed DNA Pronuclear Microinjection Request Form.

What will we do:

  • Schedule an microinjection session as soon as we receive all of the materials as described above
  • Gel purify the transgene fragment
  • Perform pronuclear microinjection
  • Develop PCR genotyping assay
  • Perform PCR genotyping to identify founders

We have successfully generated numerous transgenic mouse lines by pronuclear microinjection using BAC or plasmid DNA. We guarantee three transgenic mice or 50 liveborn pups (if expression of the transgene would lead to embryonic or perinatal lethality) whichever comes first.