Analysis of medication therapy discontinuation orders in new electronic prescriptions and opportunities for implementing CancelRx

Study Type/ Setting Methods Outcomes Recommendations Source
Retrospective analysis - N=1,400,000 - 410,591 prescribers using 734 EHRs

- 7 day follow up (Nov 6, 2016-Nov 12, 2016)

- The sample size was calculated to be representative with a margin of 0.8% error at a confidence level of 99.9%

- Variable: New Rx with cancellation message vs CancelRx

- Identified 9735 (0.7% of the total) NewRx messages containing prescription cancellation instructions with 78.5% observed in the Notes field; 35.3% of identified NewRxs were associated with high-alert or LASA medications.

- The most prevalent cancellation instruction types were medication strength or dosage changes (39.3%) and alternative therapy replacement orders (39.0%)

- Wider adoption of CancelRx in the EHR and pharmacy systems can significantly impact patient safety by reducing duplication and inappropriate medications  

Yang Y et al. (2018)



Yang Y, Ward-Charlerie S, Kashyap N, Demayo R, Agresta T, Green J. Analysis of medication therapy discontinuation orders in new electronic prescriptions and
opportunities for implementing CancelRx. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018;25(11):1516-1523.