Flu Vaccination Program

The influenza vaccine for the 2024-2025 flu season is now available to the UConn Health community, including the workforce, learners, volunteers, and of course, patients. UConn Health’s vaccine supply is quadrivalent (it covers four influenza strains). Additionally, the high-dose vaccine is available for those 65 and older. The CDC now formally recommends the high-dose vaccine for this age group.
New: UConn Health Influenza Vaccination Program Tip Sheet
Make arrangements to receive yours today:
- Clinical employees are encouraged to obtain their flu shot from a mobile immunizer in their work area. If you’re not sure who your area’s mobile immunizer is, ask your supervisor.
- Employee/Student Health Services (Connecticut Tower) is always available by appointment. It’s open Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. (closed for lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.). Please call 860-679-2893.
Getting a flu shot, practicing safe hygiene like frequent handwashing, and staying home when sick are our best preventive measures against the spread of influenza. This is especially important in a health care setting such as ours. Getting the flu shot every year also helps protect our families, our coworkers, and ourselves so we can be there for our patients.
Introduced in 2020, UConn Health has an influenza vaccination policy for employees. This is in alignment with almost all the other hospitals/health systems in Connecticut and represents UConn Health’s commitment to protecting our patients and our colleagues.
Employees are free to get their flu shot from their own physician or pharmacy. If you already have gotten your flu shot elsewhere, be sure to send attestation to flu@uchc.edu. This will ensure compliance with our policy and help the institution meet its reporting obligations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Following are some frequently asked questions about the new UConn Health mandatory flu shot policy, Influenza Vaccination Policy for Applicable Workforce Members (2020-07; APC).
Last updated August 16, 2024
UConn Health Pulse Podcast: Fall and Winter Respiratory Ailments Await
UConn Health Minute: Flu Season During COVID-19
This UConn Health Minute on CPTV features UConn Health’s infectious disease specialist Dr. David Banach discussing the best defense against influenza, which also may protect against coronavirus.
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