Latest Versions

Installation instructions can be found under the individual project downloads.

Product  Version Downloads About
Spectrum Translator BrukerFix: 2012/80/29 08:46

ConnjurST Java jar file

Mac/Unix script

Source Code

This version fixes a bug where Bruker data with non-Fourier datasizes in the direct dimension were not being translated properly.
Workflow Builder MaxEnt_2

WorkflowBuilder Java jar file

Mac/Unix script

Windows batch file (unzip to use)

This version includes actors for maximum entropy reconstruction using RNMRTK. This technique is extremely useful for non-uniformly sampled data. Small bug fixes related to virtualization. (October 23, 2013)
NMR-STAR Parser 1.0.0 NMR-STAR File Parser Java jar file This is the first version of the NMR-STAR parser.