Spectrum Translator Assumptions
Spectrum Translator Configuration
Spectrum Translator Quickstart
The Connjur Spectrum Translator (ST) can be run from the command line with a minimum of four arguments. For example, to convert from a Varian spectrum in the directory nhsqc5 to a NMRPipe formatted file named nhsqc.pip, utilize the following command:
ConnjurST --srctype varian --srcdir nhsqc5 --desttype nmrpipe --destfile nhsqc.pip
Basic arguments
The basic arguments are:
- Source type (--srctype or -st): the source format of the data to be converted. Options include bruker, nmrpipe, rowland or varian.
- Source directory (--srcdir or -sd): the source of the data. Directories are specified for the Varian and Bruker data formats.
- Source file (--srcfile or -sf): the source of the data. Files are specified for the NMRPipe and Rowland Toolkit data formats
- Destination type (--desttype or -dt): the destination format of the data to be converted. Options include bruker, nmrpipe, rowland, tabular or varian.
- Destination directory (--destdir or -dd): the destination of the data. Directories are specified for the Varian and Bruker data formats.
- Destination file (--destfile or -df): the destination of the data. Files are specified for the NMRPipe, Rowland Toolkit and tabular data formats
- Schedule file (--schedulein or -scd): schedule file name. Implies non-uniform sample.
Additional Examples
Converting from Rowland Toolkit to Bruker, use the shorter form of the arguments
ConnjurST -st rowland -sf myprotein.sec -dt bruker -dd prot_bruker
The arguments may be given in any order.
ConnjurST -st rowland -dt bruker -sf myprotein.sec -dd prot_bruker
is the same command as above.