Jaffe Lab

Current Members

Jeremy Egbert

Jeremy Egbert

Assistant Professor (In Residence)
Phone: 860-679-2677
Email: egbert@uchc.edu





Rachael NorrisRachael Norris

Assistant Professor (In Residence)
Phone: 860-679-3476
Email: norris@uchc.edu





Corie OwenCorie Owen

Postdoctoral Fellow
Phone: 860-679-3476
Email: coowen@uchc.edu





Iris NakashimaIris Nakashima

Ph.D. Biomedical Science Student
Phone: 860-679-2677
Email: inakashima@uchc.edu





Tracy UliaszTracy Uliasz

Research Associate 1
Phone: 860-679-3476
Email: tuliasz@uchc.edu

I am a research associate in the Department of Cell Biology working jointly in the labs of Dr. Laurinda Jaffe and Dr. Lisa Mehlmann. Both labs are interested in the signaling pathways that regulate meiotic cell cycling. In the Jaffe lab, I have been involved in the study of the regulation and activity of guanylyl cyclase (NPR2) and its ligand CNP, which function to maintain high levels of cGMP in the ovarian follicle and meiotic arrest of the oocyte. We are investigating how luteinizing hormone regulates this system to cause meiosis to resume. In the Mehlmann lab the work I am involved in is focused on how the signaling pathway of the constitutively active GPR3 receptor regulates cAMP levels which is also involved in the maintenance of meiotic arrest.




Jaffe Lab 1      Jaffe Lab 2

Past Lab Members

  • Seth Lapuk (Postbac, 1982-1983), Pediatric Cardiologist, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Hartford, CT, and Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics UConn School of Medicine
  • Ana Iglesias (Postbac, 1983-1984), Professor, Universidad Politechnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Lyanne Schlichter (Postdoc, 1983-1984), Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Lavinia (Muncy) Ross (Research Assistant, 1984-1990, 2001-2003), Musician, Sweet Home, OR
  • Doug Kline (Postdoc, 1985-1988), Emeritus Professor, Kent State University
  • Paul Turner (Ph.D., 1987), Field Applications Specialist, Affymetrics
  • Kazuyoshi Chiba (Postdoc, 1988-1989), Professor, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
  • Fraser Shilling (Postdoc, 1991-1993), Co-Director, Road Ecology Center, University of California, Davis
  • Chris Gallo (Postdoc, 1991-1995), Director, BioProcess Research and Development, Pfizer, Andover, MA
  • David Carroll (Ph.D., 1996), Assistant Professor, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ
  • David Serwanski (Research Assistant, 1995-2002), Retired
  • Linda Runft (Ph.D., 2000), Medical Writing Senior Manager, Amgen Inc.
  • Lisa Mehlmann (Postdoc, 1996-2001), Associate Professor, UConn Health Center, CT
  • Andrew Giusti (Postdoc, 2000-2002), Deceased
  • Rebecca Kalinowski (Ph.D., 2004), Director at Expense Reduction Analysts, Hartford. Specializing in Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Laboratory Cost Reduction
  • Leon Freudzon (Postbac, 2004-2005), Assistant Professor and Associate Fellowship Program Director, Anesthesiology, Yale School of Medicine
  • Marina Freudzon (Undergraduate Honors Student and Postbac, 2005-2007), Dermatologist, Kaiser Permanente, Atlanta GA
  • Mikhail Tsesis (Postbac, 2009-10), Dentist, Putnam, CT
  • Rachael Norris (Ph.D., 2009), Assistant professor, UConn Health Center, CT
  • William Ratzan (Ph.D., 2011), Research Scientist, Harvard Medical School
  • Valentina Baena (Postbac, 2013-2015), Research Scientist, National Institute of Health
  • Leia Shuhaibar (Ph.D., 2015; Postdoc 2015-2017), Manager, Medical Science Liaison – Reproductive Medicine, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc, Houston, TX
  • Giulia Vigone (Postdoc 2015-2020), Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
  • Luisa Lestz (Postbac 2019-2020), Nursing Student, Vanderbilt University

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