UConn Health Podcasts

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Many of us have been told for most of our lives that fluoride is greatly beneficial to our health. So how did we get from fluoride in the public water supply being one of history’s great public health achievements to it standing trial in the court of public opinion? We invite Drs. Bina Katechia and Aadarsh Gopalakrishna from the…
Read MoreThe deadliest form of skin cancer is even deadlier when it spreads beyond the skin. When simply cutting out the cancerous skin is not enough, melanoma goes from a dermatology matter to an oncology matter. Dr. Margaret Callahan is a medical oncologist and Dr. Giao Phan is a surgical oncologist. Together they lead UConn Health’s…
Read MoreAn emerging approach to stroke recovery involves an outpatient neurosurgical procedure that implants a device capable of stimulating a nerve found to be central to the brain’s ability to learn. Dr. Christopher Conner in UConn Health’s Brain and Spine Institute is the first neurosurgeon in Connecticut to implant this device, which can make the brain…
Read MoreIt takes expertise across many specialties to earn a designation as a Center of Excellence from the Huntington’s Disease Society of America. UConn Health has earned that designation, and is hosting this year’s Huntington’s Disease Education Day Oct. 26. From UConn Health’s Huntington’s Disease Program, Dr. Shakaib Khan, medical director, and nurse practitioner Robin Zingales-Browne describe what goes into…
Read MoreWhether it’s cold or flu, COVID or RSV, get ready for what seems like a growing number of respiratory illnesses this fall and winter. How do we recognize them, how do we react to symptoms, how do we treat them, and how can we reduce their likelihood in the first place? We ask UConn Health…
Read MoreA fractured larynx? That’s what’s done in Steven Tyler and forced Aerosmith to retire from touring. This month on we talk to two experts from UConn Health’s Voice and Speech Clinic to explain this and other voice problems they see, and to offer some tips on how to treat and prevent them. Listen to Dr.…
Read MoreDr. Justin D’Addario, vascular and endovascular surgeon at UConn Health, explains the potential health hazards of poor blood flow, and how to recognize problems like peripheral arterial disease, deep vein thrombosis, and aneurysms, and address them before they require drastic measures. (June 2024, Dr. Justin D’Addario, Carolyn Pennington, Chris DeFrancesco) Listen to the podcast on…
Read MoreWhether it’s the acute care during the medical emergency or the recovery and rehabilitation that follows, UConn Health continues to earn recognition for its stroke care. Dr. Priya Narwal, interim medical director of UConn Health’s Stroke Center, Brooke Medel, stroke nurse navigator, and nurse Kristen Bryant, interim stroke coordinator, share their expertise, and remind us that BEFAST…
Read MoreIntroducing a new care model to keep women of all ages and activity levels healthy and moving: The Women’s Center for Motion and Performance at UConn Health offers coordinated expertise across specialties, guided by a nurse navigator to ensure the most efficient service. Hear more from Dr. Katherine Coyner, the director, and Dr. Allison Schafer,…
Read MoreUn gran reto en la atención de la esclerosis múltiple es reconocerla lo suficientemente pronto como para iniciar la intervención y cambiar la trayectoria de la enfermedad. Los determinantes sociales de la salud, incluyendo las barreras culturales, pueden hacer que esto sea especialmente difícil. El Dr. Jaime Imitola, jefe de la División de Esclerosis Múltiple…
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