Commencement Day Directions for Graduates

Monday, May 12, 2025

Prior to Ceremony

All graduates must report to the Harriet Jorgensen Theatre Lobby of the Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts on the lower level for check-in and line-up. No guests or food will  be allowed in this area. Graduates should arrive wearing their cap and gown. Masters level graduates should wear their hoods. Doctoral graduates will be hooded on stage.

Personal Items: Due to limited secure storage space at the Jorgensen Center please keep personal items to a minimum. It is recommended to leave items with family members. All personal items must be removed from the building prior to 4 p.m.

Diplomas: All graduates will receive their official diploma by mail. A diploma case will be handed to each graduate on stage.

The processional begins promptly at 12:45 p.m.

Processional Order:

  • Dental Students
  • Graduate Students
  • Medical Students
  • Faculty
  • VIPs


1. Attire: Wear gown and cap with tassel on the left, hood is draped over the left arm for doctoral candidates. Staff members will assist with the proper folding of the hood. Masters candidates must wear their hoods to the stage.

2. Seating: This is very important. Please obtain a seating card at the check-in table in the foyer of the Jorgensen Center. This card will have your name and number on it. It is used to line up everyone in the proper order.

3. Lining Up: Students will line up for the processional as instructed by assigned staff members and behind the school marshal. Once again the order is dental students followed by graduate students and in a separate line medical students. You must stay in sequence otherwise you will be seated incorrectly once you reach the student seating area.

4. Marching: Follow the marshals. They are there to direct you to your seats. Please remain standing until all students have marched in.

5. Gifts: A copy of the commencement program bearing your name and a small gift will be on your seat.

6. Hooding and Distribution of Diplomas: As you come to the stage, do as the marshal instructs. Bring your seating card to the stage. Approach the stage, hand your card to the school marshal who will be the first at the podium. Your name will be read off the card, please proceed toward the middle of the stage to be hooded. The chief marshal will then direct you to one of the hooding stations. (If your parent is a UConn Health faculty member, you may request to have him/her hood you. This must be arranged in advance. In that case, please tell the chief marshal that your parent will be hooding you.) If you are directed to the further station, please walk behind the hooders rather than walk in front of them. After hooding you will be greeted by University dignitaries to be congratulated and receive a diploma case.

7. Exiting: Exit the stage using the far stairway and return to your seat.

Recessional Order

  • VIPs
  • Faculty
  • Dental School Graduates
  • Graduate School Graduates
  • Medical School Graduates

After the Ceremony

8. Photographs: Following the recessional there will be time for you to meet up with family members outside the auditorium for photographs.

9. Post ceremony: If you are making dinner plans for that evening in the Hartford area, it is recommended that you make reservations after 5 p.m.

10. Professional Signature Book: A tradition since 1979, this book, which was the class gift from that year's graduating class, is kept at UConn Health and brought out at the time of commencement to collect and record the signature of each graduate in a meaningful and lasting fashion. Be sure to sign the book with your first real M.D. or D.M.D. signature.

11. Receipt of Official Diploma: All graduates will receive their official diploma from the Office of the Registrar in the weeks following graduation.