Regenerative Engineering Pioneer Dr. Cato T. Laurencin Launches the First Master of Science Degree Program in Regenerative Engineering

Farmington, CT- On December 9, 2020, the University of Connecticut announced it will offer the world’s first Master of Science Degree in Regenerative Engineering. The program will be jointly run by the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department and the Materials Science and Engineering Department of the University of Connecticut’s Engineering School.

The Connecticut Convergence Institute for Translation in Regenerative Engineering CEO, and creator of the field, Dr. Cato Laurencin defines regenerative engineering as the convergence of advanced materials sciences, stem cell science, physics, developmental biology, and clinical translation, for the regeneration of complex tissues and organ systems. The field is poised to make breakthrough advances, such as the limb regeneration research taking place at UConn.

“I am very excited we have launched this graduate program to provide the necessary tools and resources to train and inspire future generations of scientists and researchers. The field of regenerative engineering is geared toward creating solutions to problems that will benefit people on a global scale”

For more information on Regenerative Engineering please visit this link.