On September 14th The Connecticut Convergence Institute and essential community partner, Emanuel Lutheran Church of Hartford gathered over 70 community members to partake in a free JUMP (Just Us Moving Program) event.
The event began with a short presentation by Dr. Helen Wu, Associate Professor from UConn Health, who discussed the importance of increasing step count and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Followed by the presentation, the one-of-a-kind Sistah Anyango of FLYY Fitness engaged the crowd with a 25 minute high-energy Zumba class. Her teaching style accommodated all ages, from children to elderly. The events’ eldest participant was an impressive 93 years old! Followed by the guided movement segment, participants revitalized with a buffet style healthy lunch provided by The Kitchen at Billings Forge. Attendees left the event armed with healthy lifestyle information, a sweat provoking workout, giveaways and full stomachs.
Thank you to the Aetna Foundation for making this wonderful event possible!