Dr. Laurencin Presents at the 2019 NIH High-Risk High-Reward Research Symposium

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In early June, Dr. Laurencin presented at the 2019 NIH High-Risk High-Reward Research Symposium on Regenerative Engineering: Convergence of Material Importance in Bethesda, Maryland. The symposium is open to the public and unites recipients of the NIH Director’s Pioneer, New Innovator, Transformative Research, and Early Independence awards to share their groundbreaking research and discoveries.

The symposium is sponsored by The NIH Common Fund whose programs address emerging scientific opportunities and pressing challenges in biomedical research that no single NIH Institute or Center can address on its own, but are of high priority for the NIH as a whole. The Common Fund is a unique resource at NIH, functioning as a “venture capital” space where high-risk, innovative endeavors with the potential for extraordinary impact can be supported. Common Fund programs are short-term, goal-driven strategic investments, with deliverables intended to catalyze research across multiple biomedical research disciplines.