Leila Daneshmandi, a Graduate Student member of the CT Convergence Institute, is pictured here with her peer from Biomedical Engineering, Armin Tahmasbi Rad. Leila and Armin have partnered together to use the concepts of tissue engineering to help cancer patients.
The duo has developed an innovative “tumor-on-a-chip system that takes a patient’s tumor cells and grows them outside of the body to test different cancer treatments”.
This development could help prevent cancer patients from having to endure several different trial and error treatments that are not effective for their particular tumor. Leila acknowledged that “[t]his process of determining which drug a patient responds to best, is lengthy and is one of the major reasons why many lives are lost.”
The two students are putting their entrepreneurial skills to work in order to launch their innovative system and hopefully begin clinical trials soon.
For more detail on their new technology, read the entire UConn Today article.