A UConn Connection on the Space Shuttle Atlantis

Space Shuttle AtlantisWe’ve all heard a lot about the recent space shuttle trip, but did you know that a UConn flag accompanied astronauts on their journey to the International Space Station?

I’m proud to say the connection is through a former colleague of mine, Robert (Bobby) Satcher, Jr., Ph.D., M.D., who worked in my lab at MIT. Dr. Satcher, who is not only an astronaut but also an orthopaedic surgeon and distinguished researcher, agreed to bring the UConn flag on the Atlantis’ current trip.

On November 16, I had the great honor of watching Bobby and the other astronauts as the space shuttle Atlantis lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center. I was joined by longtime friends and benefactors of the Health Center, Bess and Michael Economos, who are also the founders of the Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia Research. It was an incredible experience and a moment of pride for my friend and former colleague.

As for the UConn flag, I will let you know when it returns to Farmington.
Space Shuttle Atlantis

Space Shuttle Atlantis