Employee Work Time Suggestion

An employee recently submitted this interesting very timely question:

In an attempt for the Health Center to save money, I was wondering if it would be possible for whoever would like to do so, to cut their hours. For instance, if someone is currently working 40 hours, would it be possible to work 32? I think this could be one way to save money and preserve some jobs. Recently, Governor Rell proposed that her state employees take a day off without pay. That may be something we could look at as well.

My reply:
I have asked our Human Resources Department to consider your suggestions and make a recommendation to me about the feasibility of an initiative that would allow employees to volunteer for an unpaid day or reduce their time.
I should note that consistent with the Governor’s request to all of the state’s managerial employees, this week I requested that our manager’s take a voluntary unpaid furlough day between now and March. I am heartened by the very positive response we have seen even in just two days. Like you, I believe there are many others in our workforce would also like to make a contribution in this way if we are able to extend this offer to them.
Thank you for your suggestion.