In keeping with the spirit of the approaching holidays, I’d like to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone here for the hard work and dedication to the Health Center that has been clearly apparent since my arrival.
The holidays provide time to take stock of the past year and to make resolutions and plans for the new. Certainly, for the Health Center there are very serious challenges that continue to be the focus of our attention. We know what these challenges are, and I’ve spoken to you about them on a number of occasions. I have also spoken about my firm belief that we will meet these challenges head-on and succeed.
In this same spirit, we should not lose sight of the successes and accomplishments we have achieved. Let me touch upon a few of them.
Our excellent School of Dental Medicine achieved commendations for its D.M.D. degree program and for its seven advanced education programs from the Committee on Dental Accreditation after their recent site visit. The accomplishment is a true testimony to the professionalism and dedication of the faculty and staff of one of the nation’s top-tier dental schools and to the quality and enthusiasm of our students.
Our very successful regenerative medicine and stem cell research program received over $15 million in grants. Research in this area places our scientists at the forefront of these fields and provides the potential for us to revolutionize medicine and health care.
We have completed our application for a clinical translational science award (CTSA) from the National Institutes of Health. I believe the application in and of itself has had and will have a tremendous positive impact on the Health Center and indeed the entire university as it builds groups to interact in collaborative ways, integrating different centers and resources for the benefit of all.
The recent gift of $3.8 million from longtime university supporters Carole and Ray Neag will allow the Health Center to upgrade its CT scanner to beyond state of the art level. We will incorporate new planning and treatments tools into an expanded integrated imaging and treatment facility that will be the first of its kind in the region.
I have always believed that great challenges lay the groundwork for great opportunities. As we continue to explore partnership opportunities with Hartford Hospital and promote greater collaboration with other area hospitals, we can continue to move toward my vision of the UConn Health Center as an essential destination on the national list of places to go for outstanding health care.
I hope the holiday season presents all of us with the opportunity not only to spend time with our families and friends but also to reflect on our work and plan for our future. I want to thank you for your contributions and welcome your commitment to our success. Please accept my very best wishes for a wonderful new year for you and your family.