Sarah Meade

UConn School of Pharmacy

I was born and raised in Shelton, Connecticut. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmaceutical sciences with a minor in math, and am currently a senior, second-year pharmacy student.
While at UConn, from Fall 2018 until Spring 2020, I was a Resident Assistant in the pre-pharmacy learning community. I currently work as a pharmacy intern for both UConn’s independent pharmacy in Student Health and Wellness and for Connecticut Children’s Hospital. I am active in my pharmaceutical fraternity, Alpha Zeta Omega, and between 2019 and 2020 I fulfilled the role of Philanthropy Chair, in which capacity I connected pharmacy students to community service.
What I look forward to most as an Urban Health Scholar are the connections I will make during outreach events with students and professionals from other disciplines and with members of diverse underserved populations. This opportunity is unique to the Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars (UST/AS) Program, as the standard pharmacy curriculum does not typically cover how best to support specific minority groups alongside other healthcare professionals. Learning to be a better support system by empathizing with patients takes practice, and it is a challenge I want to face head-on. Being an Urban Health Scholar will help me grow professionally by increasing my familiarity with support services provided for patients, which will allow me to become the best pharmacist I can be, regardless of my patients’ background or history.

Sarah Meade
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