Nicholas Perracchio
UConn School of Dental Medicine, Class of 2020
Bolton, Connecticut, University of Connecticut, B.S. Biological Sciences Minor: Molecular and Cell Biology
Dental Assistant on the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine Galapagos Mission Trip 2014, Dentistry for All Guatemala Mission Trip 2016, and CT Mission of Mercy
I wanted to join UST because as dentists I believe we have an obligation to help not only those who can afford dental care, but also those that cannot. Many of these people are in underserved urban populations, and because of this do not receive much needed care. UST will enable and empower me to become a proponent of public health care and a voice for community involvement within the dental community. UST will dramatically increase the diversity of patients I treat and give me great experience with people of different socioeconomic backgrounds. I believe that UST will not only make me a better dentist, but a more compassionate and selfless person.