Mary-Kate Almeida, MPH
Quinnipiac Physician Assistant Program
I was born in Hope Valley, Rhode Island. I graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 2006 with a B.S. in biological sciences and went on to the University of New England to complete my master’s degree in public health in 2009. I divided my time between paid work in health care and volunteerism before beginning my physician assistant education. I worked for a small community hospital and for a town EMS corps. I also ran Angels on Horseback, a non-profit organization that provides therapeutic riding classes to disabled children. After completing my master’s, I also able to intern with the Rhode Island Department of Human Services, working with vulnerable populations to provide them with nutrition and medical assistance. My understanding of medicine has come from two very different perspectives. On one side, I have acquired advanced academic training in aspects of health care covering a range of subjects including basic sciences, epidemiology, social and behavioral health, and health care policy, law and ethics. On the other hand, I have gained a much more tangible experience as a health care worker and patient. For my entire adult life I have been one of the underserved – working part time in hospitals, without health insurance, and taking part in social services like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Being socioeconomically disadvantaged while learning about population health dynamics and working with the underserved all at the same time had a big impact on my understanding of medicine and its societal impact. The distribution of health care across a society is a direct measurement of human rights. When I saw UST, I saw an excellent opportunity to build a collaborative framework in delivering care to all populations, with special attention to those most in need of care. UST promotes relationship-building with future colleagues while developing our understanding of a team-based approach to medicine. It will engrain in all of us a stronger respect for other disciplines in health care. I hope to take what I learn with UST forward in my career as a clinician, and never forget that the best way to improve things for us all is to work together.