Marilyn Oly-Alawuba
UConn School of Pharmacy
Born in Los Angeles, CA, I was raised in Lagos, Nigeria, where my passion for healthcare was nurtured. As an aspiring pharmacist, I view my role as more than just a “medication expert”; I am deeply committed to advocating for patient well-being and improving healthcare systems. My experiences as a pharmacy assistant, and now as a pharmacy intern, have exposed me to significant gaps in our healthcare system. These experiences have fueled my determination to initiate meaningful change, however small. I am particularly passionate about advancing healthcare in Nigeria, my homeland, and aspire to make a significant impact, both locally and globally. It is my goal to come out of UST as a full-fledged pharmacist with more than just knowledge and skills. I want to become a more compassionate and versatile healthcare professional—one who is better able to serve her community.