Mai Vestergaard

UConn School of Pharmacy

I was born and raised in Glastonbury, Connecticut. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmaceutical sciences and a Bachelor of Arts in music. I am currently a third-year pharmacy student in the dual-degree Master of Public Health Program.
At UConn, from Fall 2018 to the present day, I am pursuing research at Hartford Hospital’s Brownstone Primary Care Clinic. Through my research, I have participated in outreach events for tobacco cessation and in numerous health clinics focused on supportive and prevention efforts mitigating the social determinants of health affecting underserved communities. I am also active in my pharmaceutical fraternity and other organizations in the school of pharmacy, with which I participate in and help lead community service events.
I look forward to applying the knowledge I have gained from UConn’s public health and pharmacy program as part of an interprofessional team of healthcare providers. Learning and working among practitioners from various disciplines will allow me to understand and value the roles others play on a healthcare team. Additionally, The Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars (UST/AS) Program provides a unique opportunity to rectify the lack in the pharmacy curriculum of direct contact with diverse populations. By being an Urban Health Scholar, I hope to develop skills that will allow me to fill the health care and literacy gaps that these communities face. I hope to help empower underserved communities and overcome barriers that systematically marginalize them.

Mai Vestergaard
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