Julia Karpman
UConn School of Dental Medicine, Class of 2018
I was born in Syracuse, New York and raised in Marlborough, Connecticut. I Attended the University of Connecticut at Storrs and graduated Cum Laude in May 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular and Cell Biology.
At UConn, I took part in COPE, a mentoring program offered through Community Outreach. COPE paired university students with elementary-school-aged children in the area who faced poverty, divorce, or other domestic hardships. The community service program opened my eyes to the sort of positive impact that you can have on somebody by devoting your time to their cause. I have also volunteered at the CT Mission of Mercy, where I saw firsthand the number of people from all different backgrounds who are left without dental care due to financial or accessibility problems.
After seeing the struggles that my immigrant grandparents have faced in receiving adequate health care, I have made it a personal goal to help those who cannot find decent health service. The healthcare profession should not be pursued because of prestige or salary; it should be pursued so that healthcare professionals can make a positive impact on their communities, starting by providing aid to those who are truly in need of it. I would love to learn from the experiences and knowledge that my UST colleagues have to offer, and I would also love to share my passion for helping those who can’t afford it otherwise.