Jenna Joshi

UConn School of Nursing

I was born and raised in Brookfield, Connecticut. I will receive my bachelor’s degree in nursing from UConn in 2023.

I am a part of the Hearts for the Homeless chapter at UConn, which focuses on providing homeless people with adequate health resources and free heart screenings. I am also a volunteer at Hartford Hospital, where I help patients who do not qualify for physical therapy ambulate during their stay. During my time at UConn, I have been a frequent volunteer for Mansfield Youth Services COPE, where I meet weekly with an elementary school-aged student and have lunch with them. Through COPE, I help teach coping skills, and serve as a friend to a child in need of one.

I was told about the Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars (UST/AS) Program my freshman year, and have been looking forward to the day I could apply ever since. I am passionate about working with underserved populations, and aiding them in whatever way I can. I know through this program I will gain valuable skills and education that I can use to make a difference for them after I graduate. The interdisciplinary approach the UST/AS Program encourages will help me build strong communication skills with other health disciplines and gain a more holistic view of patient care.

Jenna Joshi
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