Eric Smith

UConn School of Dental Medicine, Class of 2015

I was born and raised in a small town near Niagara Falls in Ontario, Canada.  I graduated with an Honors Bachelor of Science degree in biophysics and biochemistry from the University of Toronto in June 2011.  The socioeconomic disparities which plague society today present a unique challenge to graduates of medical and dental schools across the country, particularly in our current state of economic turmoil where the government is moving further and further away from funding programs to assist the economically disadvantaged.  Oral health is oftentimes among the first facets of wellness to be neglected in marginalized populations; meanwhile, it is often the first body system to be adversely affected by the poor lifestyle habits which are so often associated with economic and social poverty.  We at the University of Connecticut are extremely fortunate to be attending a school which is widely recognized as having one of the best dental programs in the country.  In keeping with the spirit of our unique and community service-focused dental education, I believe that earning a degree from UConn imparts an onus on the graduate to stay actively involved in community outreach throughout that dentist’s career.  I hope that my involvement in UST will act as a springboard to help me to establish service of the urban underserved as a staple of my career in dentistry.

Eric Smith
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