Chloe Li

UConn School of Medicine

Hi! I am originally from West Hartford, Connecticut. I graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Neuroscience and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

During my college years, I was a counselor and coordinator for the largest and oldest student-run after school program in Boston, where I worked with school-aged kids from the Mission Hill neighborhood. The Mission Hill After School program aimed to foster fun, safe, and supportive educational experiences via 1:1 instruction and group activities. Prior to matriculating at UConn, I have spent the last two years working at a digital pregnancy care company Delfina, serving the diverse needs of pregnant people and their providers via data-centric and patient-focused technological solutions. I am an advocate for reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights and believe in the power of educating the youth as the key to initiating positive change in society, culture, and medicine.

The ability to work with underserved communities through the UST/AS program is a privilege. I believe these experiences will equip me with the empathy and unique perspectives to become not only a better provider, but also a better person. In addition to my clinical practice, I hope to contribute to advocacy and public health initiatives that increase the accessibility of quality health care for all patients, regardless of their identity.

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