Bethany Leaf

UConn School of Nursing, Class of 2018

I am from Middleton, Massachusetts, a small town North of Boston. I plan to finish my Bachelors of Science degree at the University of Connecticut to become a Registered Nurse (RN). I hope to practice and further develop my skills by working for at least two years as an RN. After getting practical experience, I hope to attend graduate school and become a General Nurse Practitioner. This will enable me to help a greater number of people afflicted with more complex health issues.

I want to get involved with the Urban Service Track because I believe it will allow me to help the underserved while becoming a more competent nurse. UST will be great exposure to many different groups of people who do not have adequate access to health care. The program will also provide the opportunity for me to learn from students of other health care professions. I believe that everyone deserves basic health care and I am eager to give my time and skills to this cause. Through organizations at UConn, I have volunteered at a nursing home and an elementary school. While these programs allow me to work on promoting wellness among elderly and adolescent groups, I believe the UST will allow me to broaden the impact my skills can have.

Bethany Leaf
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