Aryanna Ryan

UConn School of Nursing

My name is Aryanna Ryan and I am a current sophomore at the University of Connecticut, who
is planning to graduate in 2025. I was originally born in Changsha, China in October 2003, but
was adopted and brought to America when I was 21 months old. From there, I was raised in
Ansonia, CT, where I was welcomed into a new, loving family, who gave me many opportunities
like a private Catholic school education for 12 years. I attended Notre Dame Catholic High
School and I received my diploma in June 2021. From there, I have chosen to go to UConn to
obtain my Bachelors of Science in Nursing in the Class of 2025. One place that I worked that
had an underserved population was the Boys and Girls Club. This organization provided what
they could for the children, but most of their resources were donations. When looking at UST, I
realized that I want to help the underserved populations because I do not think that they are
appreciated or recognized for all of the adversity and hard work that they experience. I think that
my experience with UST will continue to give me insight into the lives of these people, which
can help me function in my career to connect with my future patients. I think that having this
foundation and understanding first handedly will help me to assess my patient’s needs as well as
understand what I can do to help this population become more knowledgeable and healthier.

Aryanna Ryan
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