Juan Mitchell

UConn School of Dental Medicine

I was raised in one of the most culturally diverse cities in the state of Georgia, where I was exposed to a mosaic of social identities and ethnic backgrounds from an early age that fostered in me an appreciation for cultural integration and its role in promoting solidarity in impoverished communities. I obtained my Bachelor of Science in chemistry from Georgia Southern University in the small town of Statesboro.

Over the span of my undergraduate career, I displayed a passion for service through involvement in community-oriented programs and initiatives aimed at propelling rural development, diminishing local housing disparities, and providing leadership enrichment for K-12 students. A considerable amount of my volunteer work stems from prominent charitable or service organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Serve912, and the ‘Southern Leaders’ at Georgia Southern University.

As someone who values interdisciplinarity in comprehensive health and seeking opportunities to grow professionally through supplementary clinical instruction among underserved populations, I saw the Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars (UST/AS) Program as a natural choice. Following graduation, I plan to spend most of my professional time working with underprivileged patients. I believe being an Urban Health Scholar will help me have a positive impact on those who currently lack, but deserve, health care administered by a competent professional, someone they trust to improve their health, and who has their best interest in mind.

Juan Mitchell
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