Zara Mason

UConn School of Nursing

I was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Westbury, New York.

In high school, I went on a mission trip to Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria. We helped paint a new women’s shelter and distributed food at the Acropolis for the weekly food drive there. The experience I had there was unforgettable; being able to communicate with the residents in their language was so exciting to them and for me. Seeing the people of Puerto Rico in such high spirits after a hurricane tore through their island, leaving many without power even six months after the disaster, made me want to help so much more.

I want to be involved in the Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars (UST/AS) Program in order to provide people living in low-income neighborhoods with health care that they would otherwise lack. It is unfair that health care has become a privilege in the US rather than a right. A person’s health status and care should not be affected by where they live or their socioeconomic status. During my experience with the UST/AS Program, I hope to learn from other health disciplines and to see firsthand what health care is like for those who live in low-income and urban areas. Ultimately, I want to be able to make a positive impact on my future patients’ lives, both during and after my education.


Zara Mason
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