Natalie Espeso

UConn School of Pharmacy

I was born in Yonkers, New York and raised in Valley Cottage, New York. I am currently an undergraduate in the pharmacy program at UConn, working towards my Bachelor of Science in pharmacy studies and ultimately my Pharm.D.

My primary volunteer experiences include volunteering at the Food Cupboard Program of my local parish, tutoring through America Reads, and mentoring students at Mansfield Middle School. I have also frequently participated in service events through different organizations associated with the School of Pharmacy. I have always been passionate about helping people in need and promoting healthy lifestyle choices, but I have yet to feel as if I have done enough, especially compared to what the Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars program will allow me to do.

I sought involvement in the UST/AS Program because I believe that it will enhance my education in a way that no other curriculum can. The UST/AS Program will grant me the opportunity to work directly with vulnerable populations, exposing me to the complexities and challenges related to urban healthcare. It will help me gain essential skills and experiences that will prepare me for a future pharmacy career focused on serving my community. And, it will allow me to learn and work with an interdisciplinary team, vital because I believe the combined effort of all professionals on a patient care team is absolutely essential to solve the challenging problems we and our communities will face.



Natalie Espeso
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