Month: July 2020

The Community Pharmacist on the Healthcare Team

Crystal Shaw

By Crystal Shaw, PharmD

Like all healthcare providers working in the field, I feel like I am working non-stop to provide the best care to patients that I can. Our current health care system stresses ever-increasing speed and efficiency while minimizing costs; these emphases compel health care providers across disciplines to push themselves to their limits, and make their time all the more valuable. Under these conditions, it becomes even more important for professionals to recognize when other types of providers can make their jobs easier and their patient care more effective.

Although pharmacists have long been core members of healthcare teams, community pharmacists in particular are frequently underutilized in many practice settings. To illustrate this, I conducted an experiment: over the span of seven days at the community pharmacy where I work, I tracked the number of times I interacted with other health professionals. During that week, I received a total of eight medication- or patient-related phone calls from other health professionals. For scale, I answer on average 150-200 phone calls per week, the majority of them routine calls from patients or doctors calling in new prescriptions. Should medical practitioners more frequently turn to community pharmacists, they will find valuable sources of both technical and community knowledge.

Community pharmacists have extensive knowledge of medication, acquired from years of schooling and study. While filling prescriptions keeps us very busy, at the end of the day we are still pharmacists, experts on medication. Whether there is a question about treating a patient in the hospital or a drug interaction for a new medication prescribed to a patient by their primary care provider, we are trained to answer any and all medication questions. And, if we do not easily have the answer our fellow professionals are seeking, we can draw upon a plethora of resources to find the answer.

Alongside this technical knowledge, our practice location gives pharmacists a unique perspective on patients’ lives; we have the rare opportunity to get to know patients on a deeply personal level. For many, the pharmacy is the health care facility they visit most often: multiple maintenance medications necessitate frequent trips out to the pharmacy for patients or their caregivers. We build relationships with these patients, and we gain insights into their lives that can become important should they become hospitalized and in another provider’s care. We can tell, for example, if they’ve been taking blood pressure medication, or if they recently started purchasing an over-the-counter product indicative of an underlying health issue. And, we can often see earlier signs of health deterioration, at which time we refer them to doctors, dentists, or sometimes even the hospital.

Next time you are working in your medical team and you have a question about a medication or you need medication-related insight on a patient, give your local community pharmacist a call. It may make all the difference for your patient.

To leave a response to this post, please email Ellen Ravens-Seger.

Be Who You “Wanted” When You Were New

Rubby Koomson

By Rubby Koomson, RN

Mentoring is a central tenet and hallmark of the Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars (UST/AS) program. A mentor is a non-judgmental individual who is trustworthy, listens, gives constructive criticism, and acts as an overall role model for the student or novice professional. Mentorship is integral to students’ experiences with the UST/AS program from the day they are accepted.

As a first-year student in UST, I looked up to the second-year students as coaches and mentors. These coaches were instrumental in teaching me how to maneuver through the program. From these early days in UST to my professional career today, my notions about what mentoring entails have evolved. I used to think mentoring could only be done when one is at the peak of their profession; I have come to realize the right time to begin mentoring is fluid. After just six months of working as a nurse, I found myself mentoring less-seasoned colleagues and student nurses. That was the moment I learned that I did not have to know everything about the job in order to be a mentor, but rather that I had to be aware of the resources at my disposal and be able to direct others to those resources when needed. This criterion is undoubtedly applicable in both nursing as well as other professions.

One of the key components of mentoring is providing mentees with constructive feedback. Good mentoring requires clear, effective communication between mentor and mentee. Such communication and well-intentioned, constructive criticism are especially important early in the mentoring relationship, as the parties adjust to each other’s teaching and learning styles. It can be quite difficult to gracefully give constructive criticism, and it can be equally difficult to gracefully receive constructive criticism. If mishandled in the delivery or intent, criticism can be one of the factors that sabotages the mentoring relationship. But, once clear, open, effective communication is established, constructive criticism will find its place and value in a mentoring relationship.

Mentoring is an exciting learning opportunity for all parties involved. Mentors have the opportunity to learn new ways of practicing and communicating from their mentees, to gain a deeper sense of self-awareness, and to frequently test their knowledge base. The mentee learns alternate ways of practicing medicine as well, and how to avoid some of the mistakes the mentor may have made as a student or new professional. My advice to you is to be prepared for and open to mentorship opportunities and relationships and aspire to be the type of mentor you needed and wanted as a new professional.

To leave a response to this post, please email Ellen Ravens-Seger.