Injury Prevention

The Injury Prevention CIG team is under the direction of Dr. Brendan CampbellMr. Garry Lapidus and Attorney Kevin Borrup. This CIG is a group of senior and junior investigators with translational projects in all stages of development. The purpose of the group is to prevent and reduce unintentional injury and violence, the leading cause of death for Americans age 1 – 44 years old. For people older than 44 years, injury is a significant cause of morbidity. We currently conduct injury prevention research across the entire age spectrum, from newborns to seniors. Our proposed IP CIG will continue this effort. The major causes of unintentional injury include motor vehicle crashes (occupant, pedestrian, bicyclist, motorcyclist), falls, burns, poisoning, and drowning. Major causes of violence include assault, homicide, self-inflicted injury, suicide, child/elder abuse and neglect, and intimate partner violence.