Former CICATS Intern Publishes First Book

CICATS congratulates our former intern, Patrick McAllister, on the publication of his new book Highs & Lows of Type 1 Diabetes: The Ultimate Guide for Teens and Young Adults.

Patrick was inspired to write this book because of his own experience as a young adult with Type 1 diabetes. After his diagnosis at the age of 12, McAllister’s life changed forever and he faced an uncertain future of insulin shots, diet regulations, and high school. At the time, he longed for a road map to guide him through the challenges of his diagnosis but he had to learn everything the hard way.

Motivated to help others have a smoother transition after diagnosis, McAllister created the compassionate road map he once wished he had. Whether it is managing mood swings, hormones, or blood sugar levels, Highs & Lows of Type 1 Diabetes is the ultimate young adults handbook for surviving, thriving, and flourishing with Type 1 diabetes during one of the most terrifying, yet exciting, phases of life.

McAllister credits his internship with CICATS for preparing him to write and launch his book. “CICATS was my very first internship. It was the first time I had the freedom and responsibility to learn and work independently. My experiences at CICATS played huge role in the way I approached planning and writing my book. I was undoubtedly more methodical, proactive and confident because of my time there,” he said.

We know his new book will help so many young people and wish him the best as he finishes his studies at Saint Michael’s College and applies to medical school.