I was honored and touched recently to receive the first “Leaders in Medicine” award from the UConn School of Medicine student body. The award was made during a recent a “2011 Leaders in Medicine Meet and Greet” event, organized by an innovative group of UConn medical students. They organized the event to encourage enthusiasm, inspiration, and leadership within current and future medical professionals.
I applaud their efforts and was thrilled to be invited to their recent meeting. Walking into the meeting, I had no idea they would be honoring me as well.
“With this award, we wanted to identify an individual who has exemplified leadership and who has been a strong advocate for students,” said Luis Daniel Munoz Jr., one of the organizers of the event, noting that my vision and leadership firmly placed the Health Center on course for a strong future.
To me, this was just as meaningful as the 2010 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring that I received in ceremonies at the White House.
The award bears the following inscription: “In recognition of your extraordinary leadership, vision and commitment to medical education, research and health advocacy.”
To the UConn medical students: I offer my sincere thanks and best wishes for your professional and personal endeavors!