Month: April 2011

Election to the African Academy of Sciences

photo_globeI was recently honored and humbled to be elected to the African Academy of Sciences, a prestigious organization that honors science and technology leaders in Africa and throughout the world, and promotes science-led development in the continent.

I am now one of three Americans who are Fellows of the Academy. As someone of African descent, this is particularly meaningful for me, especially in light of the long and proud tradition of science in Africa.

Through the years, I have served as a visiting professor in centers in Africa and have worked as part of a global team of African academic and industrial scientists from the Diaspora in creating Institutes of Science and Technology in Africa, in conjunction with the Nelson Mandela Institution.

I strongly support global health initiatives and look forward to working with our faculty at the UConn Health Center to strengthen our existing programs that introduce medical and dental students to vital global health issues. Seeing healthcare through a different perspective is an irreplaceable learning experience – and can deeply affect one’s career goals.

To the African Academy of Sciences, I send my sincere gratitude. This is a true honor for me.

Choosing Clinical Careers

Clinical Career Day 2011It was my pleasure today to spend time with high school students who are interested in health careers during the annual Clinical Career Day at the UConn Health Center. This year, we proudly hosted more than 450 students from 29 high schools who spent their school day interacting with doctors and dentists, nurses and pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. The students also had access to information booths and breakout sessions examining a wide range of topics.

Healthcare is one of the fastest growing sectors in the regional and national economy. I’m optimistic that today’s event and other outreach efforts will inspire more Connecticut students to explore healthcare careers, including medicine and dentistry. I know I can’t imagine a more fulfilling career path.