Amy A Hunter
Research Area(s) of Interest:
Injury Epidemiology, Violence Prevention, Firearm Injury Prevention, Child Maltreatment Prevention, Racial Disparities and Disproportionality, Risk Algorithm Development
Dr. Amy A. Hunter is an Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences and Pediatrics. She is Chair of Admissions for the Department of Public Health Sciences, Director of Medical Student Summer Research for the School of Medicine, and Principal Investigator of the Connecticut Injury Surveillance System at the Connecticut Children’s Injury Prevention Center. She trained at the CDC funded Injury Control Research Center at West Virginia University where she earned her MPH and PhD in epidemiology with a focus in injury prevention and control. Her primary research involves preventing violence against children, with a focus on developing methods to improve child maltreatment detection. Dr. Hunter is currently the principal investigator of a study funded by the Patterson Trust to improve child physical abuse detection in emergency departments using novel machine learning methods. She is past chair and member of the scientific programs committee of the Injury Control and Emergency Health Services section of the American Public Health Association |