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Latest News

  • Dr. Youngji Jo Receives Grant for HIV and Hypertension Study in Zambia
    Dr. Youngji Jo, Assistant Professor in Public Health Sciences was selected to be part of the next cohorts of a 2-year Pre-K Junior Faculty Career Development Award Program: Integrated Screening and Multi-Month Drug Dispensing for People Living with HIV and Hypertension in Zambia: A Mathematical Model. The overall goal of this study is to assess […]
  • Cannabis-Related Treatment Outcomes Among Pregnant Women – Grant
    Dr. Shayna Cunningham Dr. Shayna Cunningham, Assistant Professor in Public Health Sciences, Dr. Taeho (Greg) Rhee, Associate Professor in Public Health Sciences (Co-I) and Dr. Rogie Royce Carandang, Postdoctoral Fellow in Public Health Sciences (Project Manager) have been newly awarded a one year HRSA Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs grant 1R42MC53154‐01‐00 titled “Cannabis-Related […]
  • Greg Rhee Research – ER Visits for Suicide Attempts and Self-Harm
    National Trends in Emergency Department Visits for Suicide Attempts and Intentional Self-Harm Dr. Greg Rhee has gotten an important research article published in the Journal of Psychiatry. This study estimated national annual trends and characteristics of emergency department visits for suicide attempts and intentional self-harm in the United States from 2011 to 2020. Article Excerpt: […]

Faculty Discussions

Department chairman Doug Brugge sits down with our faculty to discuss their interesting paths to public research.

Faculty Discussions – Megan O’Grady

Faculty Discussions – Audrey Chapman

Faculty Discussions

Public Health Sciences in the Community

World Food Day

World Food Day - The Students

World Food Day - Stacey Brown

MPH Practicum Interviews

Research Connections at UConn Hartford